Why Choose a REALTOR®
- The REALTOR® trademark assures that you are getting more than a real estate licensee – you are getting a member of the National Association of REALTOR® and the NorthWest Illinois Alliance of Realtors®. When you see the term REALTOR®, you know that the real estate professional you choose to work with subscribes to a strict Code of Ethics, is informed about issues affecting the real estate industry, and those affecting you, the prospective seller, buyer or renter.
- A REALTOR® has easy access to information to assist you in making the right decisions. They are committed to provide personalized service to their customers and clients, and informed about financing options, the housing market, and commercial and investment properties. Your best interests are always first with a REALTOR®, whether you’re a buyer or a seller.
- Eighty-nine percent (89%)* of home buyers purchased their home through a real estate agent. Real estate professionals are relied upon to have experience in every aspect of a typical home purchase. Ultimately, the homebuyer wants the agent to help the buyer find the right property to purchase.
- Forty-one percent (41%)* of buyers found their listing agent through a referral from a friend, neighbor or family member and ninety percent (90%)* would definitely use their real estate agent again.
- Knowledge of the purchase process, negotiation skills, knowledge of the real estate market, a shortened home search process, pointing out unnoticed property features were rated as benefits first-time buyers found in their real estate agents during the home purchase process.
*Source: 2019 National Association of REALTORS® Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers

How do I Find a REALTOR®
- Our website has a complete list of REALTORS® serving your community.
- open houses, local advertising, web sites, and recommendations from neighbors and suggestions from lenders, attorneys, financial planners and CPAs.
- The experiences and recommendations of past clients can be invaluable.
In many cases buyers will interview several Realtors before selecting one professional with whom to work. These interviews represent a good opportunity to consider such issues as training, experience, representation and professional certifications.